As the first sea carrier, Meriaura has introduced almost carbon neutral transport contracts. Meriaura EcoVoy-concept is based on our biofuel compliant vessels. When using our waste-based biofuel, transports’ lifecycle emissions are 97,7% lower than with fossil fuels.
Our EcoVoy customers can use the achieved greenhouse gas emission reductions in their own operations. The EcoVoy concept is audited by KPMG according to the ISAE3000 standard, which verifies the balance between the emission savings sold to customers and the use of biofuel.
The biofuel we use, VG Marine EcoFuel, is produced by VG EcoFuel Ltd. that is part of Meriaura Group. The commodities of VG Marine EcoFuel are completely derived from industrial side streams and recycled materials, sourced in the Nordic Region. We exploit side streams of foodstuff industry, along with already once utilized vegetable oils. The production is audited. Biofuel is the most climate friendly option for sea transport that there is available today.
For the early bird we offer these type on contracts at a very reasonable freight premium, which corresponds to the additional fuel cost only. Meriaura engages to source, produce and use EcoFuel at least the amount that equals to the total consumption of the voyages executed under the contract. We provide calculations on CO2 reductions achieved by choosing this contract type. This data can be used further in the value-chain and in the end help our customers to create added value for their business.
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