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The whole organisation for environmental responsibility – staff’s initiative for the use of biofuels in cars

By 17.12.2019December 18th, 2019No Comments

At Meriaura Group we have tried to encourage our staff to come up with new ideas how to increase our environmental responsibility. Developing the practices at the office is a challenge, as we have already done all the  things that are easy to do; we use renewable electricity, recycle waste, and strive to develop different processes paperless. One of our staff member came up with an idea concerning traffic between ships and office and moving around in general; shifting to use of biofuel in company cars. The management team liked the idea, and in a low organisation decisions can be taken and implemented quickly. Crew changes, ship visits and deliveries etc. will from now on be low emission, since biofuel will be used in company-owned cars whenever possible. It is an advantage that our staff is active, and ideas are not only brought from the top down, but responsibility for the environment is a concern of the whole organisation.